Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Heeey :)
OMG, im getting a New Moon blanket, how awesome is that hehe :) Its got edward, jacob and bella on it, well you've all seen the picture prosb anyway haha, im so excitied tehe!

I hope i get Tempted today, if not im gonna call them and blast the sh*t out of the book store haha! i neeeeeeed that book lols!

today i just had 3 lessons, pretty boring, but they were okay, gonna do some homework later on aswell...thats basically it really.

nothing much to blog about for now, when something interesting happens ill blog, when ever that will be heehe! :)


Monday, November 2, 2009

just a bit on what i did lol

Heey :)
Okay so, on saturday i did nothing lol, just the computer basically, and on sunday went to a friends out, Sharna's, and played singstar and watched Hannah Montanna the movie, it was good. Today (Monday) i played singstar, cleaned, and yeah thats about it lols. Gotta do some homework later, but its not much...i hope i get Tempted tomorrow, or later today, i cant wait any longer lol! i had to order it from a book store like an hour and half away from me because no one had it where i live, and it wasnt gonna come out untill another 2 weeks, and i simply just could and will not wait that long haha.

Okay so, ill be changing my layout at wxs this weekend, because i had my site closed for half a week last week, so there was no point in changing the layout the weekend thats just past hehe. Anyway, i might blog again soon, maybe :)
